For a long time it has been my desire that someone would explain to the Yakan people on the radio about what God has done for us and how great his love is for mankind.
In the year 2007 I heard about a certain program for the radio that was exactly what I had been looking for. The lessons in this program were first written for people of the Wolof tribe, of Senegal in West Africa, in their language. The lessons were written by a man called Mr. Paul Bramsen with help from his friends. I thank him, because he was willing to give me the lessons in English and gave me permission to translate these lessons into the Yakan language.
Since February 2010 these lessons have been broadcast once a week from the DXAS station in Zamboanga City.
These lessons are also available here in written form so that people can read and really study them.
Since ancient times it is said that God has revealed his will in four Holy Books – in the Torah, the Psalms, the Gospels, and the Qur'an. But few of the Yakan people have had opportunity to listen to or understand the Good News from God as written in the Torah, the Psalms, and the Gospels. Therefore, in these lessons we can study what God's message is, sent to mankind through the prophets of old. These messages are written here, chronologically from the very beginning when the world was created to the day of the last judgment.
This program is called "The Way of Righteousness". Here in this program we will certainly add to our knowledge of God and his Word. Do you know what God is like? Or where the leader of demons (Satan) came from? Do you know why God created mankind? Or how sin entered the world, or that God created it at first only containing good? Have you read the amazing story of the Prophet Noah and the flood? Do you really know what the prophets have written? Do you know why the Prophet Ibrahim was called the friend of God?
Thousands of years ago the Prophet Job spoke He asked, "How can a person be righteous in the sight of God?" (Job 9:2) Do you know what God answered Prophet Job? Do you know for yourself how you can be righteous in God's sight? If you would like to know God's answer to this question and many other questions, I invite you to listen to the program The Way of Righteousness, and study the written lessons. It is true, God's Word is profound, good, amazing, living, and powerful. There is something else: nothing is left hidden by the Word of God. It really shows what mankind is like. The Holy Book says: "Nothing whatsoever is hidden from God because all he created is visible to his sight. And in the future we all have to face him confessing about all that we have done." (Hebrews 4:13) May you be instructed and receive blessing while you study the lessons!
Many different people have helped me to prepare these lessons. Some have helped to translate and to correct the lessons, others have helped me to format them on the computer and yet others have typeset and printed them, and placed them on the Internet. I give thanks to all of them! May they also be blessed!
A friend of the Yakan